Due diligence questionnaire

We know how important due diligence is in today's market. To support you through the CLS due diligence process and simplify your interactions with us, we've created a dedicated resource platform.

Our platform allows you to efficiently carry out your due diligence on CLS at any time, using one single, up-to-date source of information.
It includes questions we’ve received previously and our responses,
as well as industry standard questionnaires and documentation.

The platform is regularly updated to ensure the most relevant information is always available, meaning a quicker and easier experience for you.

Mask Group 125


Our self-service option houses over 1,000 questions and documents, giving you easy access to the information you need, when you
need it.

Paid search 

If you need more specific support, you can use our paid for search option, where we do all the work for you.

Understand our pricing

The prices listed are for indicative purposes. For a detailed quote, please contact us using the form below. 

Number of questions Fee GBP*
1-100 1,000
101-200 2,000
201-300 3,000
301-400 4,000
401-500 5,000
500-1000 10,000

*Pricing set until 31 December 2025

Contact form for self-service or paid search

*mandatory field By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the CLS Privacy Statement.
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