Our bilateral payment netting calculation service for buy-side and sell-side institutions, enhances risk mitigation for trades not settling in CLSSettlement by standardizing and automating post-trade matching and netting processes.
The global FX market is limited by the lack of a standardized payment netting process for trades settling outside CLSSettlement. This is often exacerbated by the high settlement costs associated with emerging market currencies, which are becoming increasingly important in today’s economy. Our payment netting service for buy-side and sell-side institutions’ FX trades helps address these challenges. CLSNet is a standardized, automated bilateral payment netting calculation service to support FX trades not settling in CLSSettlement.
CLSNet is a revolutionary FX product that addresses the wider post-trade processing needs of our clients. It supports trades not currently settling in CLSSettlement while introducing standardization and automation for the entire FX market.
Asset managers, banks, corporations, hedge funds and non-bank financial institutions.
Recognizing that the cost of settling non-CLS currencies is higher than for CLS currencies, our netting calculation solution allows you to drive operational efficiency, unlock liquidity and reduce operational and credit risk.
Participants can submit FX instructions to CLSNet for spot, tom/next day, forwards, non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), swaps and same-day trades for over 120 currencies.1 We offer participants the option of submitting their net payment instructions via SWIFT channels.
1CLSNet’s coverage will include currencies that are not issued by countries on a sanctioned list that would prevent CLS from conducting business with those countries and their issued currencies.
FX products – spot, tom/next day, forwards, NDFs, swaps & same-day trades
Buy-side & sell-side participants
CLSNet matches FX instructions based on the same matching principles as CLSSettlement and sends a match notification to each counterparty. This notification serves as legal confirmation* of the underlying FX trade.
The service offers a limited selection of cut-off times. Participants are required to assign a cut-off time for each currency. Limiting the cut-off times introduces market standardization while providing sufficient flexibility to accommodate the different operational support models of FX market participants. Once the cut-off time is reached, CLSNet notifies participants of their net payment amounts.
The delivery of the net payment amounts is managed by participants outside of the service through existing local currency correspondent banking relationships.
Participants in CLSNet can also access our innovative post-trade monitoring and reporting tool – CLSTradeMonitor – as a combined value-add offering. CLSTradeMonitor provides a holistic view of all trade instructions submitted to CLSNet and CLSSettlement to enhance transparency and reduce operational risk.
*Whether a CLSNet notification constitutes legal confirmation of an underlying FX trade depends on the laws of the applicable jurisdiction(s).
Operational risk mitigation:
System processing and operational efficiencies:
Liquidity enhancements:
Using CLS products and services plays an integral part in helping you comply with the FX Global Code.